Friday, May 8, 2009

Jesus makes Lazarus Alive Again, FJ16

Anointing Oil for this lesson, is on the top shelf near the air conditioner. We don't leave this out for children to work with.

We don't use the water jar and cotton balls for washing, we just pretend with hand motions.

Wrapping of Lazarus instructions are complicated -- just try to get him covered adequately.

Who is the Greatest, FJ15

If you place Jesus at the back of the house, it is hard to put the child in His lap, so you may want to move Him closer to the front of the house.

Jesus Heals a Boy, FJ14

Use the mountain from FJ2 and FJ6 "Follow Me" story, for the Mount of Transfiguration in this story.

Jesus Heals Two "Daughters", FJ11

Every time you say Jairus' name be sure to emphasize that he was a ruler of the synagogue.

Jesus and the Tax Collectors, FJ5

You just have to remember to remove the standing Jesus and standing Levi as you place the backdrop for the house.

Dorcas, FJ32

At the time of this posting, we didn't have a land of Judea underlay, but I will try to get one. I did not use a water jar or the cotton balls to pretend to wash Dorcas. I just made the hand motions for cleaning her.

Peter Heals a Lame Man, FJ30

I added the wooden city of Jerusalem as a backdrop to the temple since we do not have an outline for the temple courtyard as is pictured in the book. You can also use the temple from the "Boy Jesus in the Temple" story - YCW22.

Pentecost, YCW43

I have added a large brass candlestick to this story. We always talk about the "flames of the Holy Spirit" when we do the Liturgical Calender, so I believe we need to have an actual flame with this story -- you know how they love fire !! On the top of page 210 you could light the candle and then pretend to transfer the flames with your hands as they suggest over the heads of the other people.
You will also need to get additional people for this lesson - you can borrow from "Jesus and the Children" and "Jesus and Blind Bartimaeus."
You can talk about this being the birthday of the church, but you don't need to bring cake!!

Ascension YCW 42

I have done this lesson two ways - with and without the bronze risen Jesus. You can decide if you would like to include it and remove it as Jesus disappears into a cloud (at the bottom of page 207.)

Good Shepherd and Lord's Supper Combined, YCW 40, 41

The view from children's standpoint (top photo), sheep will follow shepherd out to your right to the bottom of the circle and then over to top of the other circle. Good Shepherd goes behind the table. Sheep are then replaced with the people as in second picture.
Important wording changes -- substitute the word Pastor for the word Celebrant, also when the story states (page 205 half way down) that "The Good Shepherd is still with us....." we will continue with saying "every time we have the holy bread and the holy wine." We don't use the word "IN."

Jesus Appears to Disciples and Peter FJ27 and FJ28

This is a combined lesson. You will use all of lesson FJ27 and then the end of lesson FJ28, starting on bottom of page 159 when Jesus turns toward Peter to say "Peter do you love me more than these?"
We are short on fish at this time, I will try to pick some more up. I think they may be lost in the desert box !!
When I did this lesson with older children I reminded them about Peter denying Jesus 3 times, and this time Jesus lets Peter verify that he loves Jesus 3 times.

Response Time Art