Friday, May 8, 2009

Dorcas, FJ32

At the time of this posting, we didn't have a land of Judea underlay, but I will try to get one. I did not use a water jar or the cotton balls to pretend to wash Dorcas. I just made the hand motions for cleaning her.


  1. Somehow, I missed that you had posted these pictures, etc a few weeks ago. Thanks for doing this. I am sharing this story on Sunday so I practiced last night. As I read back through the YC&W book to prepare myself I realized that I had been speaking alot more to the children before the story than is necessary. I also realized this as I sat in as Martha led. Pages 57-76 are only used as new children are introduced to the area NOT every Sunday. Oh these poor children were probably very bored last time. I'm excited to get back to the children!

  2. After sharing this story with the children Sunday I was suprised that there wasn't some giggling about her name. I did consider using Tabitha as it is in the scripture, but didn't change it. Has anyone else considered using a more common name like Tabitha? The hardest (most distracting for the children) part was setting the widow and the poor woman in place from behind the home. I tried to put them instead the home which tripped me up. If I had put them on the porch as pictures I don't think it would have been as difficult. The young girls enjoyed working with the clothes afterward :)

  3. I loved the words "She did the things of Jesus, but in her own way" Let us pray that we each find a unique way to do the things of Jesus and let us respect the way our little ones do the things of Jesus!
